Subscription conditions
The subscription conditions are the set of basic parameters of your offer to CopyFX investors. The subscription conditions are specified when the Trader’s account is opened and may be changed during the trading process in the platform.
Extra Settings:

Minimum deposit
- In USD
The minimum deposit is the amount of money required from the Investor if they want to subscribe to your account.
Subscription mode for Investors
- Free
- By request
"By request" mode implies that you have an opportunity to approve or reject Investors’ requests to subscribe to your account. Tick the "Show in Rating" checkbox if you want your account to be displayed in the rating.
Account to transfer commission to
You may choose any account to transfer commission from subscribed Investors to.
Delay time
Period after which your transactions appear on CopyFX Tradewall.
Trading strategy title
Title of your trading strategy.
Trading strategy
Description of your trading strategy.

Commission scheme
- Volume Fee
- Performance Fee
- Subscription Fee
- Trader without commission
With the "Volume Fee" scheme a Trader specifies the fixed rate of the commission they receive for each profitable transaction copied by the Investor.
With the "Performance Fee" scheme a Trader specifies the fixed percentage of the Investor’s total profit for all transactions they copied.
With the "Subscription Fee" scheme a Trader specifies the fixed amount range of the commission they receive once a week if the Investor has an overall positive result from copying deals.
- Commission for a lot (1 - 10 USD)
- Commission percentage (5 - 50%)
- Fixed commission (5 USD - 100 USD)
"Commission for a lot" is specified within the "Volume Fee" scheme, "Commission percentage" within the "Performance Fee" scheme, and "Fixed commission" within the "Subscription Fee" scheme .
Investment period
- 1 week
- 2 weeks
- 4 weeks
Investment period is a period, after which you receive commission from Investors. All payments are made from 1:00 AM Saturday server time, but within the "Subscription Fee" scheme the commission is calculated on Sunday night and transferred on Monday.
Start of the period
- Date
This parameter indicates when your offer will be available for Investors.
Affiliate program
- Payout percentage (10 - 90%)
To read more about trader's affiliate program, visit the corresponding page of our website.
- The subscription conditions may be changed once a day (24 hours) at any time and day of the week, except for the period from 11:00 PM Friday to 12:00 AM Saturday server time.
- Updated conditions of the subscription come into effect on Mondays. If the conditions were changed during the weekend (Saturday, Sunday), they come into effect one Monday after.
- Extra settings may be set only after the main conditions are specified. They can be сhanged at any moment but not more often than once an hour and come into effect immediately.
- You can’t stop Investors from copying transactions from your account, but under certain conditions your account may be excluded from Rating:
- You haven’t specified main subscription conditions when opening your account.
- You chose "By request" in "Subscription mode" field, but didn’t tick "Show in the Rating" checkbox.
- Your account balance is less than 50% of the limitations for creating new offers set by the system.