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The most useful tools for seeking Traders in CopyFX system:
The most important parameter to be used when assessing the Trader’s success is the yield of their trading activity. The formula for calculating the yield in CopyFX system helps to define this parameter for each Trader as accurate as possible.
The yield is calculated as follows:
Y = ( (Equity_end_1 / Equity_begin_1) * (Equity_end_2 / Equity_begin_2) * ... * (Equity_end_N / Equity_begin_N) - 1) * 100%
Y – yield (profit) in %.
Equity_begin_X – Equity at the start of the period X.
Equity_end_X – Equity at the end of the period X.
N – the last of the periods taken into account for calculations.
Periods are divided by balance operations. The formula calculates the yield in % since the moment the account was created or since the moment of the total loss of funds on the account (Equity was equal or less than zero). Please note that withdrawal of all funds from the account (Equity is equal to zero) shall not be considered as the total loss of funds on the account.
The yield along with other parameters of the Trader’s success are best displayed in the Rating. Opportunities offered by the Rating are only limited by your wishes and needs.

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When using CopyFX Rating, always take into account the fact that the Trader may have several accounts. This is why, we recommend you to read about the Trader’s previous results, analyze them, and only after that make your decision whether to subscribe or not.
Not all trading accounts of the platform are displayed in the Rating. Visit the FAQ section to learn how the CopyFX Rating is compiled.
Participant’s card
All statistical data about the Trader is available in their Trader’s card. The Card contains information about their active accounts, including trading and subscription history. This data will help you to make a right choice in favor of a particular participant.

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